
Creating art has always been a prominent passion. But, as adulthood struck, life became more complex and distracted me from my artistic self for almost a decade. In 2019 I rediscovered that part of myself.

Through my art I often process the challenges, thoughts and feelings that are related to the neurological disorder called narcolepsy.*  In daily life I am challenged to find a profession that aligns with my potential, my interests and respects my narcolepsy needs. I try to translate this valuable input into meaningful art. My artwork forms a great mirror and teacher for self growth.

I gravitate towards figurative and expressionist art with elements of surrealism and cubism. My fascination always has been drawn to human faces and the human form. Sometimes I create intuitively in the moment from flow, which creates reflections of my inner emotional journey. Other times, I like to practice a more project oriented, conceptual approach when creating a body of work within the same subject. Currently, I find myself appreciating the beauty of both entirely different ways of creating. Now and then I also like to take on commissioned work to see how this can challenge me to create a harmonious outcome for me as an artist and for my customer.

  • Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder, involving irregular patterns in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep and significant disruptions of the normal sleep/wake cycle. While the cause of narcolepsy is not completely understood, current research points to a combination of genetic and environmental factors that influence the immune system. To read more about the topic: https://narcolepsynetwork.org/




If you have any questions or if you want to get in touch for any commissioned art or a collaboration, please send an email to willemijnvanweeghel@gmail.com. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have narcolepsy and would like to get in touch, don’t hesitate to reach out.

And for the Dutch, je kunt mij ook gewoon in het Nederlands contacten.